errASNoResultReturned = -2763; { The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialect specific error codes. (Error codes from different dialects may overlap.) }
errASInconsistentNames = -2780; { English errors: }
{ Component Manager & component errors }
invalidComponentID = -3000;
validInstancesExist = -3001;
componentNotCaptured = -3002;
componentDontRegister = -3003;
{ Color Picker errors }
firstPickerError = -4000;
invalidPickerType = -4000;
requiredFlagsDontMatch = -4001;
pickerResourceError = -4002;
cantLoadPicker = -4003;
cantCreatePickerWindow = -4004;
cantLoadPackage = -4005;
pickerCantLive = -4006;
colorSyncNotInstalled = -4007;
badProfileError = -4008;
noHelpForItem = -4009;
{ Text Engines, TSystemTextEngines, HIEditText error coded }
telNotEnoughdspBW = -10116; { not enough real-time for allocation }
{ MP (multiprocessor API) error codes }
kMPDeletedErr = -29295;
kMPTimeoutErr = -29296;
kMPTaskAbortedErr = -29297;
kMPInsufficientResourcesErr = -29298;
kMPInvalidIDErr = -29299;
{ StringCompare error codes (in TextUtils range) }
kCollateAttributesNotFoundErr = -29500;
kCollateInvalidOptions = -29501;
kCollateMissingUnicodeTableErr = -29502;
kCollateUnicodeConvertFailedErr = -29503;
kCollatePatternNotFoundErr = -29504;
kCollateInvalidChar = -29505;
kCollateBufferTooSmall = -29506;
kCollateInvalidCollationRef = -29507;
{ TextObjects error codes }
textObjInvalidIndexErr = -29580;
textObjBufferTooSmallErr = -29581;
textObjObjectTooSmallErr = -29582;
textObjTextConversionFailedErr = -29583;
textObjMalformedObjectErr = -29584;
textObjAnnotationNotFoundErr = -29585;
textObjMoreAnnotationsErr = -29586;
textObjLanguageChangedErr = -29587;
textObjFontNotFoundErr = -29599;
{ Locale Object Mgr errors }
localeNotFoundErr = -30001;
localeObjectAttributeNotAvailErr = -30002;
localeObjectNoNamesTableErr = -30005;
localeBadReferenceErr = -30006;
localeObjectNotFoundErr = -30007;
localeObjectInvalidReferenceErr = -30008;
localeObjectItemFoundIsLastErr = -30009;
localeObjectNameAttributeConflictErr = -30010;
localeObjectInvalidIteratorErr = -30020;
localeObjectNoNameErr = -30021;
localeObjectTagDataNotFoundErr = -30022;
localeObjectCannotDeleteSystemObjectErr = -30023;
localeCouldNotWriteLinkedObjectsErr = -30024;
localeDuplicateErr = -30025;
localeObjectDefaultValueNotAvailableErr = -30026;
localeNoAssociatedDataTagsErr = -30027;
badComponentInstance = $80008001;
badComponentSelector = $80008002;
{ Translation manager & Translation components }
invalidTranslationPathErr = -3025; { Source type to destination type not a valid path }
couldNotParseSourceFileErr = -3026; { Source document does not contain source type }
noTranslationPathErr = -3030;
badTranslationSpecErr = -3031;
noPrefAppErr = -3032;
buf2SmallErr = -3101;
noMPPErr = -3102;
ckSumErr = -3103;
extractErr = -3104;
readQErr = -3105;
atpLenErr = -3106;
atpBadRsp = -3107;
recNotFnd = -3108;
sktClosedErr = -3109;
afpAccessDenied = -5000;
afpAuthContinue = -5001;
afpBadUAM = -5002;
afpBadVersNum = -5003;
afpBitmapErr = -5004;
afpCantMove = -5005;
afpDenyConflict = -5006;
afpDirNotEmpty = -5007;
afpDiskFull = -5008;
afpEofError = -5009;
afpFileBusy = -5010;
afpFlatVol = -5011;
afpItemNotFound = -5012;
afpLockErr = -5013;
afpMiscErr = -5014;
afpNoMoreLocks = -5015;
afpNoServer = -5016;
afpObjectExists = -5017;
afpObjectNotFound = -5018;
afpParmErr = -5019;
afpRangeNotLocked = -5020;
afpRangeOverlap = -5021;
afpSessClosed = -5022;
afpUserNotAuth = -5023;
afpCallNotSupported = -5024;
afpObjectTypeErr = -5025;
afpTooManyFilesOpen = -5026;
afpServerGoingDown = -5027;
afpCantRename = -5028;
afpDirNotFound = -5029;
afpIconTypeError = -5030;
afpVolLocked = -5031; { Volume is Read-Only }
afpObjectLocked = -5032; { Object is M/R/D/W inhibited }
afpContainsSharedErr = -5033; { the folder being shared contains a shared folder }
afpIDNotFound = -5034;
afpIDExists = -5035;
afpDiffVolErr = -5036;
afpCatalogChanged = -5037;
afpSameObjectErr = -5038;
afpBadIDErr = -5039;
afpPwdSameErr = -5040; { someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change }
afpPwdTooShortErr = -5041; { the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded }
afpPwdExpiredErr = -5042; { the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue }
afpInsideSharedErr = -5043; { the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder }
{ OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder. }
afpInsideTrashErr = -5044; { the folder being shared is inside the trash folder }
{ OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder }